Due to the advancing digitalization, smart manufacturing becomes everyday more concrete. Thanks to digital technologies, in these past years manufacturing has evolved, reflecting more and more the ideal of Industry 4.0. Internet of Things and Big Data have become the focus of industrial automation solutions, aiming to make the production process more autonomous and efficient. This is what we call smart manufacturing.


In 2020 manufactures will invest of around 60 billion euros in IoT solutions (source: Business Insider). Realizing the enormous impact of IoT on energy efficiency and production, companies operating in any industrial sector aim to update their systems in accordance with the principles of Industry 4.0.


Investments for more than 10 billion euros in research, development and innovation by Italian companies. All latest data on the Piano Impresa 4.0 (“Plan Company 4.0″) seem to indicate a marked increase in manufacturing competitiveness. An important step towards the development of the Smart Factory in Italy.


Innovation and continuity: the new year has just begun, but it’s already clear what the main industry trends in 2018 are going to be. From zero waste to the fight against cyber attacks, these are the key ingredients that will define the new production.


When we consider the requirements of a 4.0 production, it is clear how real the need for software solutions for Industry 4.0 is. From projects design to maintenance and the efficiency of resources, we need systems that are created according to the principles of the fourth industrial revolution.


Lean Management and Big Data have a more and more relevant role for the future of production in the Industry 4.0. This is clear when you look at the last years of the industrial sector. Today companies aim – and manage – to increasingly reduce waste in the production process, thanks to the implementation of a more efficient, or leaner, system.


SPS IPC Drives The leading exhibition for electric automation 28-30 November


If the goal is the production process efficiency, the integration of mechatronics and industrial automation is a vital step. For this reason, among ESA Automation’s main objectives we find the creation of an interconnected system among mechanics, electronics and informatics. Creating solutions for the Industry 4.0 goes beyond designing and manufacturing innovative and performing technologies. It also (and above all) means to make these products part of an integrated system at every level of the production chain.


How important is cyber security for the Industry 4.0? With the principles of efficiency and connectivity of the fourth industrial revolution, a different side of the coin rises: the danger of cyber attacks. Ideally, the Industry 4.0 requires a completely interconnected reality, but this same characteristic uncovers an unexpected vulnerability. Because with connectivity, the effect and impact of eventual attacks grow as well.


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