Digital Signage Monitor ESA for Industrial Automation
Digital signage uses IoT, information technology and smart devices (such as monitors) to make production more efficient and to automate communication within the plant. From displaying alarms to prevent malfunctions to product recognition, this innovative technology has enormous potential in Industry 4.0.

The Esaware Box IPC and Industrial Monitor Range: Our Complete Solution
Control, visualization and strength. With the Esaware box IPC and industrial monitor pairing, ESA Automation offers a complete solution that encloses all the main features that are necessary to operate with extreme efficiency and safety in the Industry 4.0. The stability of the EW400 box IPX line meets the elegance of the EW300 industrial monitor. Two different designs, but both equally innovative and perfectly adapt to the harshest industrial environments.

ESA Automation IPCs and Industrial Monitors
Visualization and control are fundamental elements in industrial automation. That is why the ESA Automation IPC and industrial monitor solutions introduce a state-of-the-art technology capable of simplifying the operator’s job. Find out what are the most important features in a Panel PC.