20x solid state 24Vdc PNP, max current 1,2A each, divided in 3 groups (three different output supply common input) (8+8+4) with LED status indicator
Analog inputs
6x resolution 12 bit,
configurable by jumpers as 0-10V, 4-20ma
4 Axes
4x encoder input (zero ) Line Driver or Open Collector/Push Pull, voltage 12 or 5V (configurable by jumper) (bandwidth: 1,5 Mhz) - 4x analog output +-10V 12 bit - 4x PWM output or 4x stepper outputs (step + direction)
Main Flash storage memory
1x removable SD Flash 1 GB
Serial Ports
2x RS232 + 1x RS485
Lan Ethernet – Teleservice
1x Ethernet TCP /IP - Ftp compatible - Modbus/TCP server, with remote desktop function
Universal Serial Bus Port - USB
1x USB 2.0 for pen drive
Field Bus
2x CAN BUS MASTER , Can Open protocol
Real Time Clock (RTC)
1x Real Time Clock : 24 hours with SCHEDULER (real calendar)