Software solutions for Industry 4.0: from Theory to Practice

When we consider the requirements of a 4.0 production, it is clear how real the need for software solutions for Industry 4.0 is. From projects design to maintenance and the efficiency of resources, we need systems that are created according to the principles of the fourth industrial revolution.

Smart software for the smart factory

Software solutions are the engine of Industry 4.0, because they introduce those functions that are fundamental for the progress of the production system. For this reason, developing and implementing innovative software is the key to make companies ready for the smart factory.

Specifically, software solutions for Industry 4.0 must be able to:

  • Promote corporate digitalization and greater interconnectivity.
  • Manage increasing volumes of data within the system.
  • Optimize the production system through simulation and virtualization functions.
  • Enable constant control and punctual maintenance.
  • Contribute to the security of the production plant, protecting it from cyber attacks.
  • Monitor the consumption of energy and other resources to guarantee maximum efficiency.

ESA Automation software solutions for Industry 4.0

For the reasons we have just mentioned, ESA Automation has developed a complete range of software solutions for Industry 4.0 that satisfy the requirements of smart manufacturing. Starting with the programming of HMI devices, thanks to Crew. Part of the Esaware line, this SCADA presents several functions designed for the Industry 4.0, such as the possibility to export data on the Cloud platform and to plan events in order to help the workflow of the production plant using the Scheduler.

The remote maintenance platform Everyware is a great representation of the Internet of Things principle. While, in order to improve production efficiency, ESA Automation has created the software Energyaware, part of the energy management line. This software solution for Industry 4.0 allows you to create an integrated system of measurement, monitoring and remote control of energy consumption.

Finally, ESA Automation has launched its Cloud service to increase and facilitate data management and flow within the production plant, again according to the IoT.

Discover all ESA Automation solutions for industrial automation.